Motherhood is a joyous experience in a woman’s life, but with a busy lifestyle and other children that needs mum’s attention, new mothers find it hard to focus on themselves. It’s important to fuel your body with energizing and nutritious food. With the constant tiredness, zapped of energy, moodiness and pain it can last longer than the immediate postnatal period for some.
I can help you regain energy, balance hormones, aid sleep and help you feel like you did before having a baby. Looking after yourself now is necessary not self-indulgent.
I can devise a practical and personalised postnatal plan that can promote wound healing from the birth, support breastmilk supply and keep energy levels maintained as the quality of your breastmilk depends on your diet and it can be a frustrating time for some. Support postnatally can ensure good quality breastmilk.
For more information on the benefits of postnatal nutrition, you can schedule a discovery call using the link below. Alternatively check out my packages and get started today.
For more information on the benefits of nutritional therapy, or to discuss an appropriate treatment, schedule a discovery call today.